Monday, December 15, 2008

I Caved

If you talked to me last week, you know how frustrated I was with Max. He was teething and wasn't taking very good naps (half hour maybe 45 minutes at the most) so he was super grouchy all last week. This week, Matt works a ton and I'm not really in the mood to have a repeat of last week with Max. We stopped a few weeks ago letting him take naps in his swing and he was doing really, really well with it (until last week, but that may have been because of teething). So today I caved and let him take his naps once again in his swing.
All I can say is: that swing is the greatest thing EVER!!!!!! He took an hour morning nap and almost a three hour afternoon nap! 
I may have caved big time, but at least I kept my sanity....for today that is.

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