Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In Need of Sleep!!!!

We have all gotten over the stomach flu (and Max's numerous ear infections) and were so happy for things to return to normal--yeah, not happening! Apparently, as warned by many, we are now going through the four month "wakeful"period, meaning our child that once slept through the night is now waking up three or four times a night. As a result, Max is so tired during the day, but still isn't the best napper (I'd love to get a good two hour nap in myself). Matt and I are back to getting very little sleep ourselves and are relying on coffee to get us through our days. They say this is just a phase that should only last a couple of weeks and my fingers are crossed that's true!
Another phase that has just developed in the past 48 hours:  I can't leave Max's sight or he cries....more like screams! I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and left him in his gym playing. When he looked over and saw I was no longer there, his bottom lip quivered and huge tears came down his cheeks. My fingers are crossed that this too is just a phase or I might scream!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

4 Months Old

Well, as of two weeks ago, but we've been a little busy dealing with Max and his ear infections=(   We went to his four month check up last Wednesday and discovered he had yet another ear infection. Since then, we've had to think of ways to get Max to eat his bottle (there were many days he hardly ate anything!) and keep me from losing my mind (pretty sure I could have used anxiety meds). Matt and I took Max back to the doctor yesterday because it seemed he wasn't getting any better, but it turns out he just had eczema really bad all over his head and was causing him discomfort and some pain. They prescribed a steroid cream and as soon as we put it all over his head: bam! Eating 8 oz bottles again! Crazy to think that was causing him to not eat (that and the 3 teeth getting ready to come in). We have to watch him closely this winter and hope he doesn't get too many more ear infections otherwise we'll be on our way to the ENT for tubes (according to his doctor).
 At four months old Max is weighing in at 17 lbs, 27 inches long. His newest trick is rolling across our living room when mommy isn't looking. He LOVES his two kitties and gets very happy when they come to "play" with him in his gym, however at this time he is scared of dogs (big dogs, not sure about small ones yet). He loves rice cereal and sweet potatoes, but he's not too sure about squash. This week we are working on taking naps in the crib because he's quickly outgrowing his swing--he's still not so sure about this change in nap time places. He also likes to think he doesn't need naps anymore (but I do)! Max has also learned to love his stroller and car seat which makes it a lot easier to go places during the day--yay for not being stuck at home anymore (it only took us 4 months)!