Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Every year my mom bakes sugar cookies and Jen and I frost them. It's always a blast decorating the cookies, although in recent years it's been getting a little naughty. However, our favorite part of the cookie decorating is getting to finish the frosting afterwards. It usually ends in tummy aches, but it's well worth it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Caved

If you talked to me last week, you know how frustrated I was with Max. He was teething and wasn't taking very good naps (half hour maybe 45 minutes at the most) so he was super grouchy all last week. This week, Matt works a ton and I'm not really in the mood to have a repeat of last week with Max. We stopped a few weeks ago letting him take naps in his swing and he was doing really, really well with it (until last week, but that may have been because of teething). So today I caved and let him take his naps once again in his swing.
All I can say is: that swing is the greatest thing EVER!!!!!! He took an hour morning nap and almost a three hour afternoon nap! 
I may have caved big time, but at least I kept my sanity....for today that is.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Max is very fond of our Christmas tree. I was letting him play on the floor and turned my back for a second and the next thing I know, he's messing with the tree.
Being the good mommy that I am, instead of getting him away from the tree right away, I snapped some photos.
And I was worried about the cats and the tree!

Playing Hard

Max really enjoys rolling all around the living room, but sometimes he gets caught up in his gym, so he just brings it along.

Hi kitty!
And he LOVES his feet! He doesn't stick them in his mouth too often (thank goodness) but he does like to hold onto them at all times. Diaper changes go something like this: keep pushing feet down until I can finally undo the diaper. Keep Max from rolling away. Quickly wipe, put a new diaper under him, push down feet. Roll Max back onto diaper, try to keep legs down enough to do up the diaper. Redo diaper because his feet got in the way, keep Max from rolling away while I do this. Sometimes the onesie gets resnapped, sometimes Mommy gives up=)

Natalie's Birthday Party

Last Saturday night, we went down to Cumming to celebrate Natalie's 13th birthday. We were stupid and failed to get pictures of that, but we did get a few good ones of Max:
He got lots of attention from Grandma
Max was fascinated by Uncle John's mustache

Naughty Kitty

We have no idea why Sophia was up there in the first place, but when she thought she was going to get into trouble, she attempted to jump down and her paws got caught in the toaster. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In Teething Hell

Our son has been teething for months yet still no teeth!!! His doctors keep telling us, "there's four of them getting ready to pop through any time now." Yes, but could you tell us when please???!!! Give us a little hope here!
Our frustration with teething is evident in this conversation Matt and I had this afternoon:

Ashley: Does he really need his teeth that bad? Can't he just do without them!?
Matt: Do you think they make Baby Tylenol PM?
Ashley: If they did, we'd already have it.

Yeah....we're not winning any Parents of the Year Award. 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What a Difference a Week Makes

Max's weight one week and 3 days ago: 17 lbs 9 oz
Max's current weight (as of yesterday): 18 lbs 11 oz

Obviously there was a growth spurt somewhere in there! Also new this week, he no longer wants anything to do with his solid food (with the exception of a few bites of oatmeal here and there). It was the exact opposite last week.
Max has also been to the doctor a few times the past week for extreme fussiness, pulling at his ears, and a "cough". The "cough" never went away, so we figured he had a cold, or ear infection, or something going on. Good news: he's completely healthy. His "cough" mysteriously developed after watching me cough from choking on my water last Sunday. The doctor found this hilarious (and probably thinks we're insane parents). Matt and I arent' finding this new trick of his so funny.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Here kitty, kitty

Max absolutely loves his kitties! Anytime they're in the same room as him, he can't concentrate on anything but them. Doc and Sophia are still a little unsure of Max, but they're coming around. Last week we discovered what was waking Max up from his naps: Doc goes into Max's room and meows until Max wakes up. Then Doc and Max seem to carry on a mysterious conversations consisting of meows and coos...very interesting.

Look what I can do Mom!

Right before this picture was taken, Max was leaning clear over the tray of the swing grabbing at his feet. He is now banned from his swing and it has officially been put in storage awaiting use from the next baby=)

Thanksgiving Day

Ty, Nicholas, and Max...someday they'll all be looking at the same camera
Apparently Max wasn't too sure about Ty
Max and Nicholas' nap time
After dinner at the Harmeyer's, everybody need naps!

I'm Outta Here!

Our now 5 month old thoroughly enjoys rolling across the living room--especially when there's a kitty he can get too! However, the coffee table keeps getting in his way....we may need to move that soon, as he's almost smacked his head on it a few times.

A Sunday Morning

Sunday's are my days to sleep in (before I head off to work at noon that is) and Matt gets up with Max. I was putting my makeup on and realized that it was just too quiet out in the living room. So I walked in only to find my two boys all curled up with each other sleeping away.

I Love my Food

This is why Max gets a bath every night. On this particular night, Max was too hungry and couldn't wait for a bib.....Mommy had lots of fun getting those stains out!

Help! Let me out!!!