That is the question of the day. It seems as if Max has done nothing but eat all day long. He easily polished off an 11 oz bottle and then ate another 6 oz an hour and a half later, along with 3 tsp of rice! He wanted more rice, but I was afraid his little tummy couldn't handle it and we would be faced with a projectile repeat! I guess I should have fed him more rice because as Matt and I were eating our pizza, he kept opening his mouth at every bite we took. When he finally realized he wasn't getting a bite, he started crying (a very pathetic cry I might add) so he got his bottle instead.....I don't think he's ready for pizza just yet.
Max is eating a ton! Most babies his age are eating 6-8 oz every 3 to 5 hours according to the pediatrician, but Max is still eating every 2 hours during the day. Is he eating too much? Is there something we can do so he goes longer between feedings? These are just a few of the "new parent" questions Matt and I wonder about. At least he's still sleeping through the night, right?
1 comment:
Hm... I guess every baby is different, but still, how do you know? My guess is his feeding will even out on its own over time. But what do I know?! :)
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